Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Bow Tie Boy

So I'm slightly in love with Bow Ties...young to old its doesn't matter who is wearing them they always put a smile on my face. I don't know if its the classic Titanic look about them or what either way they make me smile... but then again the Titanic tragedy s does not make me smile so bad analogy, sorry! ... anyway they look goooood! on my little Cooper, oh and did I mention Jared even bought one?! CRAZY! (I think he secretly likes to match Cooper.) I purchased my first handmade Bow Tie for him to wear on Easter (below). 

This is Cooper's and Saigely's very first Easter! Darling I tell you! His bow tie is a clip-on which I learned would be a better purchase to make when they are older; his chunky chin did not like that very much. But I still love the quality and the fact that you can custom order them. I bought this one from Lemons and Lace (and if you don't have a boy I would definitely recommend a headband.)

I can across these button-on Bow Ties on Instagram and I love them! As you can probably tell by my newly purchased Bow Tie loot. They are easy to put on and stay in place all day, and if anything can withstand Cooper ALL day it has to be durable. 

Image of THE FINN
And now I’m adding one more to our collection "The Finn!" I just bought this one today. Little Mr.  is having a 30% off sale today. Just use code 30all at checkout. I would scroll on over if I were you. Sadly for all of those who love "The Finn" I bought the last one, Sorry for you... but not for me, but really I'm sorry and you can borrow it if you would like! +


Saturday, July 6, 2013

Fishing for a Little Man

It’s crazy to think that my little baby is already one! There are many mixed emotions in our house about this change in our life. Jared loves that Cooper is turning into a little man, but me, on the other hand, am having a hard time and missing my little snuggle bug (sadly, snuggles were very short-lived at our house.) Although I am already missing my baby, it is exciting to watch as he explores his world and develops interests in his surroundings—his favorites include- rocks, hide and seek, literally anything goes brooom broom (4-wheelers, motorcycles, etc.), outside, and “The Office” theme song. Here are a few pictures from Cooper’s birthday party which was celebrated with many wonderful people.

For the hanging fish, cupcake wrappers, and "gone fishing" sign I purchased a printable download from Esty. That is also where I got the idea of the goldfish cupcakes (top ones.)  

I used riverbed rock and wire to display his cake smash pictures to give it a more outdoor feel! Don't worry I bleached them before they got near the food! If you want to see more of my cute babes 1 year old photos from a very patient and wonderful photographer click here.

Yay! For the Big number 1!  +

Friday, July 5, 2013

B is for Beginner

I am not a professional writer, nor am I what I would call a beginner writer, so please bear with me, because I have decided to start blogging! I will use this blog to share, what most people start blogging for… our lives. I feel so blessed with the life that I have been given that I would feel guilty not share it. I hope that by sharing our story it will help others, whether it be making a decision, laughing, and even crying (but let’s hope not, unless it’s a good cry), however most of all I hope that it will allow ourselves to become free from our worries. +